"I learned so much from seeing actual essays and PTs graded by CA Bar graders. It helped me to compare my past bar exam essay and PT answers to actual passing and not passing answers on this site. Great service. Great outlines. I have recommended this site to so many other repeaters. I passed, finally, on my sixth attempt after using your site. It was the best investment I made over the last three years! Thanks so much."

"This resource was so helpful . . . It is a really eye-opening experience to read a '40' answer and then an '80' answer for the same question. From my books and BarEssays.com, I did a lot of practice essays. Once I found a phrasing or explanation style that I liked, I consistently used it in future essays. In some cases, I even added reminders in my Essay Attack outlines."

"When I saw the 80 answer, my jaw dropped. Really? That's what the Examiners are looking for??? . . . Realizing that THIS structure could be what the examiners are looking for in handwritten essays will definitely make a difference in how I approach practice questions this time around . . . it gives me an entirely new perspective on how to write the essays . . ."

"This will sound like a cliche.... but I signed up yesterday and am totally impressed. I wish you had thought of this idea a lot sooner. Great product and also was an eye-opener as to what gets you a 75"

"I HIGHLY recommend BarEssays.com! I CAN'T SAY ENOUGH! The website is very easy to navigate! I literally read every answer and printed every question. I issue spotted all of them before hand and really thought about what the bar examiners and graders wanted. I found the essays especially helpful for those subjects I sucked at! I nailed it! IT WAS THE BEST DECISION I COULD HAVE MADE BECAUSE I PASSED AFTER THREE YEARS AWAY FROM THE LAW! BarEssays.com gave me the confidence to walk in and write like the examiners wanted me to!"

"All in all, great product. I will gladly pass on this find to all bar examinees."

"What a great service!"

"[T]hank you for Baressays.com"

"[T]hanks for this great service. I find the actual answers with their respective scores very helpful. I think much more helpful than those written by bar tutors"

"[T]he actual essays [on BarEssays.com] provide me further insight into what the examiners are looking for."

"You have a great website. Thanks again."

"Your website has been great."

"[T]his is such a great idea, thank you!"

"No complaints, no problems... just letting you know GREAT product."

"[Y]ou can learn a lot from released answers. BarEssays seems to be another route to getting a look at many more passing answers, and at a very low fee"

"[H]ow very savvy of Baressays.com . . . Any new tool that helps bar applicants zero in on what they look for in essays is definitely a plus."

"With BarEssays, we can compare passing answers to the released answers. That could reveal much."

"Somebody should have thought of this years ago online . . .Comparing a 50 to a 70 answer, then looking at your own answers is helpful. (Also compare that to the bar tutor model answers.)"

"BarEssays.com was extremely helpful!!! It takes some time to download a PT and a variety of answers, but it was well worth it! By comparing answers, I learned what set high-scoring answers apart from others. In addition, I saw how there was more than one way to organize and address the task memo [in the performance exams]."

"I loved BarEssays.com!"

"BarEssays.com was a website that I used for the California bar. [It] was really low cost and extremely helpful. It had old exams that were graded, and I used it in the following way: I read the essay, either outlined the way I'd answer it or actually answered it timing myself. Then I'd read graded answers to get a sense of how the grading worked. The site also included short outlines that we very helpful."

"[G]et an account at Baressays.com. It's not too late for this! It gives you real essays that failed and you can compare them and see what is required to get a certain grade!"

"BarEssays.com is a really useful tool, to be able to compare passing and failing answers on the same essay and I have yet to see this type of comparison offered anywhere else . . . When I think of the thousands of dollars I have spent in the past on materials that essentially proved useless to me, I wish this site had been around a while ago."

"I used BarEssays.com every day for 2 months leading up to the bar. Can't express what a great tool it is. Thanks for being out there and reasonably priced."